How long it takes to recover fully from Rhinoplasty

Shape of the nose is corrected and enhanced proportionate to your whole face under the Rhinoplasty surgery. This procedure provides self confidence and an attractive appearance to many who used to feel disappointed due the certain shape of their nose. You are an appropriate candidate for rhinoplasty if you are looking to cure the following.
- Disformity
- Nose Injury
- Breathing Issues
- Too Big or Too Small Nose
- Nasal Issues
- Birth Defects
If you are facing any of these issues, then you can be considered eligible for this surgery. During this Rhinoplasty surgery, Nasal Bridge can be straightened, the hump on the nose is removed, the nose tip can be enhanced by giving it a fine shape, breathing passages causing issues are corrected, and thus the shape of the nose is changed.
Procedure of Rhinoplasty
Two types of Rhinoplasty surgery are there i.e. open and closed rhinoplasty. Under closed rhinoplasty, an incision is used in the internal part of the nostrils and under open rhinoplasty a cut is made on the nasal tissue between the nostrils too. Changes in the shape of the nose are made after using incisions and then stitches are made. As incisions are used in the external part of the nose under open rhinoplasty, then there can be scarring, which is not the same in case of closed rhinoplasty as no scarring is there.
How much Downtime to Expect after Rhinoplasty?
After the completion of the Surgery, you are advised to keep one person from your friends or family to take care of you as you will not be fully conscious for some time even after the surgery due to anesthesia. Before the surgery, you can plan to take the leave from work so there will be nothing to worry about taking leave after the surgery. The Recovery time period is almost the same for both open and closed Rhinoplasty surgery as they both need sufficient time to heal.
First Week Post Surgery
You can have swelling, soreness and some bruising around your nose during this time period of recovery. There can be mild pain around the treated area for which you will be given medicines prescribed by your surgeon to get relief from pain. Some instructions you can follow during this time to make your recovery faster like Avoid contact with water around your nose or eyes, wearing sunglasses for almost six weeks post surgery, intense workout or exercises, avoiding stress and try to take rest as much as you can. During the last days of the week, you will get a little bit of relief from swelling or soreness and wounds will start healing.
Second Week Post Surgery
You will start seeing wounds getting healed, swelling fading away slowly, pain almost gone, in the second week after the surgery. You will be able to resume your job work , better if you do it from home, your body will get more rest this way. You can continue doing your activities that you were not able to do in the first week, but be careful to go slow with it. Try not to put pressure on your nose with strenuous activities.
Third Week Till Month Post Surgery
During this time period of recovery, you will start noticing almost fully gone swelling and soreness. But even if you are recovering fast, do not forget to take enough rest and good sleep. If you were finding it difficult to breathe properly due to swelling in your nose, this issue will be resolved by this time.
Final Results
Full and Final results from Rhinoplasty surgery can be seen after six months or it can take almost a year after surgery as the nose takes enough to take the fine and desired shape. During this time period, you must have patience and faith in the skills of your surgeon, this way you can get the best results out of the surgery. There are some things you can keep in mind to speed up your recovery
1. Keep hygiene by cleaning the nose with saline solutions from time to time.
2. Use cold compress around the eyes and cheeks , not directly to the nose, it will help in getting rid of swelling or soreness.
3. Analyze your body , in case of any issue or donuts, discuss it with your surgeon to get best advice.
4. Keep your head high during sleeping to avoid pain, or dislocation or any kind of discomfort around the nose.
5. Avoid direct sun exposure to avoid any reaction to skin, and skin burn.
6. Do not smoke or drink during the recovery time period, as it can slow down your rate of recovery.
After every surgery, it is important to take sufficient rest to get the best results. In the hurry of work some people injure their treated body parts and eventually end up taking more time to recover than expected. So it is better to follow the guidance given by your surgeon. If you are having trouble in the recovery period or want to undergo surgery, you can meet our professionals anytime by booking an appointment with them.