Should I Get A Nose Surgery? Your Guide to Rhinoplasty

Should I Get A Nose Surgery? Your Guide to Rhinoplasty
Nose reshaping procedure, technically called Rhinoplasty, can do wonders in one’s life. This surgery can improve the balance between nose and other facial features; and resolve medical issues related to breathing and air flow as well. Rhinoplasty is the fourth most common cosmetic surgery. It is quite common in adults (both men and women of all ages). More than 157,000 women and nearly 60,000 men undergo this surgery in one year. The person who longs for Rhinoplasty must keep in mind to choose a highly qualified, skilled and experienced surgeon. During consultation, your doctor can address all your specific needs, after having a close and thorough assessment of your desire, health, medical history and other concerns about the surgery. This procedure is highly customized to correct a variety of problems, though everyone cannot go for it. There are certain conditions to fulfill to be a right candidate.
To be considered a right candidate for Rhinoplasty:
- This procedure is highly customized to correct a variety of problems, though everyone cannot go for it. There are certain conditions to fulfill to be a right candidate. These are:-
- Your facial growth must be complete as it is not suitable for minors unless the surgeon suggested or one has a severe impaired breathing issue.
- You must be physically fit and fine so that your body can deal with the surgery and its pre or post effects on your body.
- You must not smoke as it hinders the healing process.
- Your goals must be realistic and the decision must be yours only.
- You must inform your surgeon about your medical history such as any kind of disease, permanent medications or any sort of allergy that you have.Your surgeon must be aware of your diet and exercise regime. Consequently, your surgeon will be able to assess the risks and possible complications of the surgery for you. Moreover, they will guide you about the preparations to be done at your end and measures to be taken after the surgery in order to make your recovery as quick and smooth as possible.
Solutions Rhinoplasty can offer
An expert nose surgeon can help improve the birth defect, face appearance, can restore nasal airflow and can repair a broken nose. To be precise, it solves not only aesthetic purposes, but also sorts medical conditions as well. Rhinoplasty can be fruitful to resolve cosmetic and medical problems simultaneously.
Cosmetic Solutions
The size and shape of the nose and overall appearance can be improved through Cosmetic Rhinoplasty. Other things that can be done to compliment the nose with other facial features are:-
- Narrow the nose bridge
- Reshape the nose tip
- Restore the height of a flattened area
- Narrow or Widen the nostrils
- Straighten the crooked nose
- Change the angle between the upper lip and nose
Medical Solutions
Deviated septum: This is a condition of structural abnormality due to which people have breathing issues. The septum is a thin piece of cartilage that divides the nose into two chambers. When this septum is off-centre or crooked, air does not flow easily as it makes one side narrower than the other. Most people have this deviation, though in many cases it is unnoticeable and in some it is a serious health issue like chronic sinus infection which can be resolved through Rhinoplasty combined with Septoplasty. This is a procedure in which surgeons straighten the septum to allow better and smooth airflow. Other medical solutions it offers are:-
- Recover the abnormality due to any sort of injury or trauma
- Repair the broken nose or any damage
- Improve the nasal inflammation caused by allergies and burns
- Help in nasal masses or polyps