How long to wait before returning to work after Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is the surgery used to correct the shape of the nose whether it is too big or too small, deformed, unecven or has any injury caused to it or has any nasal or respiratory issues. Rhinoplasty surgery takes two to three hours to be completed. To get the full idea of the nose, photographs from eight angles of the patient are taken so that surgery can be planned effectively.
Eligibility Criteria
Rhinoplasty surgery is not suggested to people who are under 15 years of age as their nose has not been fully developed yet. Pregnant women, one having any serious diseases related to nose or heart are not advised to undergo this surgery as it can turn out to be dangerous for them. It is better to take a surgeon’s consultations regarding medical necessities.
Rhinoplasty Procedure
Anesthesia General or Local is provided to the patient in the first step. If local anesthesia is used then, an injection is given under nasal tissues to keep the patient drowsy. General anesthesia is given through vapors or gasses which are inhaled by the patient through masks. After this, the first cut is made through an incision between the nasal and the base of the nose. Second cut is made from columella to the inner part of the nostrils. After all the changes needed are made, deviated septum is corrected conclusively.
How Soon Can I Return to Work After a Rhinoplasty?
After getting the Rhinoplasty Surgery done, You must wait for 1-2 weeks to resume your light work. This time can vary in different situations like your speed of recovery, type of work, or condition of your nose and body health. In these one to two weeks, you can have some swelling, itching, around your nose which will fade with time, for that you can avoid touching your nose often and can use certain creams suggested by the surgeon. For full recovery from this surgery, a few months are sufficient.
Type Of Work
If you do office work, then you can go to your office in the usual time of one to two weeks. But, in case your job involves some physical activities, then you must wait for one more week to recover properly. Physical activities can put pressure on your nose which will be unfavorable to the speed of your recovery and the stitches. You should try working from home if possible as it will be easier for you to recover faster and your nose will get more rest this way.
Speed Of Recovery
Speed of recovery varies from body to body. Usually, in 2 weeks a body gets healed enough to do office work or minor physical activities. But, in some bodies, the time of recovery can be longer, thus getting back to work can also be a little later. You can take the update of your recovery from time to time by visiting your surgeon. To recover faster, you must follow all the post surgery instructions and all do’s and don’ts.
Skills of Surgeon
As we know that recovery depends upon the body, but the skills of your surgeon also contribute to the recovery process. So, if your surgeon is well qualified and experienced and has great communication skills, then not only will your recovery be affected , but also he or she will do their best even after the surgery by evaluating you in your appointments.
Condition Of your Body
To get faster recovery from surgery, you must have a body which is healthy and free of any diseases. Try not to catch any flu, fever, cold or cough, as they can create a lot of issues during your recovery period.
Ways To Get Quick Recovery
1. Use Of Cold Compressor
Swelling, any soreness around the eyes or nose can decarse with the help of applying cold compress to your face. You can do this twice a day, try not to do this directly onto your nose and also do not use it many times a day.
2. Protect Yourself From Direct Sunlight
You are advised not to go outside and be under direct sunlight as it can be dangerous for your wounds as direct sun exposure can lead to severe sunburn which is not good for rhinoplasty surgery.
3. Do Not Wear Sunglasses/Eyeglasses
Wearing any kind of glasses can stress your nose which can be an obstacle for quick recovery. You can wear them again after your nose gets a little bit recovered in 1-2 weeks or you can take permission from your surgeon.
4. Eat Healthy
Healthy Diet can be really helpful in the journey of your recovery from Rhinoplasty Surgery. Try adding more protein, nutrients, vitamins and green vegetables to your food and have a balanced diet, it will help healing of muscles and skin of your body.
We understand that it’s important for everyone to return to your work on time but once you have gone through the surgery, try not to rush through the recovery period. Make sure your surgeon has given you the green flag to start working in all aspects. It is even better to return to work in steps so that you can continue with the work and your nose gets enough time to heal also. If you want to discuss your conditions then book an appointment now with our professionals and get a personalized consultation.